Default settings for the supplier

Presetings for suppliers
External service no. for free text:
At this point, define an external service number for free text lines. If a supplier creates a free text line, it automatically receives the external service number defined here. The service number is also taken into account when posting the service entry in SAP and enables you to evaluate free text lines in SAP.
Mandatory fields for the supplier:
Select the fields (short text, ext. service entry no. Place of service, period), which are mandatory to be completed by the supplier when sending an entry.
Option "Send service entry also possible if limit is exceeded":
Activate the option if you want the supplier to be able to send a service entry to the approver even if the limit or tolerance is exceeded.
The option then applies to all suppliers, all orders/service entries. The approver then receives the message that the limit or tolerance has been exceeded during the release attempt and can make the limit change directly in SAP and release the service entry without having to contact the supplier.
Hide order value for unplanned services (= expected value) at the supplier
This stipulates that suppliers can no longer see the limit for unplanned services. This has an impact on the "Cost Overview" function on the supplier side.
Restrict the sending of service entries to a period of time
At the end of a posting period (e.g., turn of the year), it is usually the case that services provided in this posting period must be billed within a defined time window. Likewise, services provided in the following booking period may not be billed at this time. In this case, this option quotations to centrally define a permitted service period. In this case, the service period of a service entry must be within the permitted period, otherwise the supplier cannot send his service entry.