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Import suppliers from Excel

You can import suppliers and their contact persons from Excel into FUTURA Engineering.

Use the import template for this.

The import template can be found in FUTURA Engineering under the menu item AdministrationDownloads

Fill in the import template. Pay attention to the mandatory information that is given to you as a comment in the column options.

The following conditions apply to the import or the import template:

  • The column headings must remain as in the template.

  • It must not contain blank lines.

  • Formatting is not taken into account during the import.

  • Mandatory fields are: Name, Name AP, Email AP

  • Multiple contacts for a supplier company can be imported using the supplier number. If rows with identical supplier numbers are maintained in the Excel file, they are created under the same supplier data record.

  • If your organization uses several SAP clients with FUTURA Engineering, the SAP Client and Vendor Number (SAP Vendor Number) columns must be filled in the import template.


Downloads section

Example of a filled out import template with data:

Import suppliers from Excel

For the import, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Administration menu → All suppliers

  2. Click on the "Import suppliers from Excel" button in the button bar

  3. Select the Excel file and click on the import button

  1. The suppliers are then read in and displayed in FUTURA Engineering.


Updating existing suppliers:

If the supplier is already in the system (the supplier number is checked or, if not specified, the name), then the supplier data is updated.

If an existing contact person (same e-mail address) is specified under the existing supplier, this will also be updated. If a new contact person is specified, another new contact person is created under the existing supplier.

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