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Release of version 5.3

Overview of new features and improvements of FUTURA Engineering Version 5.3 | June 2024


The Release Notes 5.3 concern the following modules and areas:

➔ Request for Quotation


➔ Service Entries

➔ Administration

➔ SAP interface

📢 New developments and optimizations of version 5.3



Time Tracking | Recording of working hours in service recording

In FUTURA Engineering, you now also have the option of requesting additional working time records from your service providers in orders. In the activity entry, the employee can enter the exact period of work (date and time; from/to) and a job description for appropriately configured service lines. Among other things, surcharges for overtime, night and holiday work are automatically added here. The prerequisite for this is that the supplier has drawn up company-specific surcharge tables in advance.

For verification, the time recording systems set by the supplier are automatically checked and compared with data from your time recording system via SAP.

In order to be able to use this function, appropriate licenses and the setup or adaptation of interfaces to SAP are required. If you are interested, please contact us via your administrator.

In order to be able to use this function, appropriate licenses and the setup or adaptation of interfaces to SAP are required. If you are interested, please contact us via your administrator.


Notification | Individual control of notifications

For the service entry review process, you can now turn off or on the notification of service records in your personal data. This allows users to determine for themselves whether information about new service entries, reminders, etc. should be received.

To display this option in your account, you need an additional configuration for your organization. From then on, the mail receipt for service entries can be adjusted by all users in the personal data themselves.

Please contact us via your administrator if you would like to use this function.


Service Recording | Examination of performance recording in the multi-control principle

With a setting from our part, it can be set up from the new version 5.3 onwards that the review of the service entry must be carried out by different persons (approvers). This allows you to ensure that multiple approving levels used in your workflow cannot be done by the same people.

An additional configuration is required for this. Please contact us via your administrator if you would like to use this restriction for your service entries testing levels.




Log | Logging the username

In the order's log, the username is logged as the initiator for the order change for traceability. This has been unified for all activities.


BANF | Further information in the BANF dialog box

In the dialog box for assigning and checking the purchase requisition, you will now see 3 new information after creating it (purchase requisition creation process) or after importing it (purchase requisition import process). In the dialogue window, you can now see the initiator (creator or user who performed the import), the date and time for traceability.




Order | Sending the Creator's Information to SAP

When the order is created out of FUTURA Engineering, the creator of the order can be transferred to the SAP system if desired.

This requires an additional configuration, which we are happy to enable for your organizational unit. Please let us know via your administrator.




Inquiry | Contract Prices in the Request Type "Price Request" as Default

Until now, you were able to use items from available contracts in the items list of a price request. If these items contain service numbers and the supplier has concluded a valid contract with you as the purchasing company, the unit prices are invariably adopted from this contract. In this case, the supplier cannot change the unit prices in the quotation. To do this, use the new setting "Adopt Contract Prices of the Supplier" on the header data.

If the supplier does not have a contract for the used items with service numbers, then the unit price in the quotation can be changed by him, provided that you do not also use the "Predefined prices" option.




Inquiry | Contract Prices in the Request Type "Free Offer" as Default

Analogous to the above mentioned and the adjustment of the "Predefined prices" function to the "Price request" request type, this function in combination with the option "Adopt Contract Prices of the Supplier" also has an effect on the "Free Quotation" request type:

Here you can use the defined unit prices from the valid contracts of your suppliers as a source for preparing quotations for the supplier. When the quotation is created, in which the supplier independently prepares the items list, the specified unit prices are displayed as predefined prices when the items are accepted and cannot be changed by the supplier.


Order | Preset for the requester in the purchase order

With a default setting, we can enable your organization to automatically fill in the "Initiator" field in the order in status “In preparation” with the trigger of the order from the request (this information is mandatory for the purchase order creation). A manual change is still possible despite this default setting.

Please let us know via your administrator if you would like to use this presetting for your organization.




Settings | Preset the use of all sources for the creation of the course

In the new version, you can preset in the settings for your organization that all sources for creating the items list are selected by default for the request types "Free Quotation request" and "Cost Estimate".

The sources are required for the creation of the items list by the suppliers for these two request types.




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