Service entry Approval Tolerance
For orders with planned services , release restrictions can also be defined, which allow the release of a service entry only up to a defined tolerance value. Over fulfilment is therefore only possible up to the specified limit value. This means that if the option is not activated, there is no restriction on over fulfilment.
If you want to work with a tolerance when releasing service journals, select the corresponding option. In this case, you can specify a percentual tolerance (e.g., 10.0 %) or a maximum exceedance (e.g., 500 EUR).
In the Administration/Settings menu , the function "Tolerance check for service entry release" can be activated and the limit values can be set.

order amount = 20,000 EUR
Tolerance = 10%, but max. 1,000 EUR
Calculation of the maximum tolerance = 10% x 20,000 = 2,000 EUR > 1,000 EUR
The maximum value to be settled is EUR 21,000.
If the tolerance check is activated and the calculated limit value (order sum + tolerance) is exceeded, the release of the service entry is not possible.
By means of the button Limit check the exceeding of the limit can be checked:

The setting "Send service entry possible even if limit is exceeded" under Administration > setting also applies if the tolerance is exceeded! If the check mark is set, the supplier can send the entry even if the tolerance limit is exceeded, otherwise not.