Sharing Options
In connection with the topic "Release with deviation" there are the following settings:

Setings for releases of service entries
Option “Always”
If the "Always" option is activated, service entries can also be released with different quantities
Option "Quantity checked = unchecked"
If this option is activated, the quantities checked/unchecked must be the same for a release.
Additional option: "Automatically accept supplier quantity during service entry release"
If this option is activated, the quantities checked are automatically overwritten with the supplier quantities when the service entry release is released.
If the option is not activated, you must first actively trigger the comparison of the quantities, either by clicking on the "Apply values" button or by entering them manually. The system checks down to the 3rd decimal place at the time of release whether the quantities are the same.
Option "approver may increase quantity"
The quantities submitted by the supplier may be increased and approved by the approver.
Option "Comment must be entered in case of service entry rejection"
In the event of a rejection of a service entry by the approver, a reason for rejection of the same must be entered. An editor field opens in which the message can be created. It then appears in the "Comments" tab within the service entry and is visible to the supplier.