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Assignment to the order

If the function is activated, the order is supplemented by the new field for selecting an organizational unit (here "Business Unit").


Address of the Organizational unit in the header data of the order


Depending on the origin of the order, the organization is determined from:


For orders from a requisition or request / Quotation

The  organization is taken from the requisition or from the request.

In the working copy the field is not editable.

For orders from SAP or Fu AVA

The  organization can be determined via the linked SAP organization to which the external order is assigned. This is displayed in the field and cannot be changed.


In the company data, the company code has been selected as the SAP organization, and all  organizational units are each linked to an SAP company code. If an SAP order is now received, FUTURA Engineering determines the corresponding  organization based on the company code in the order and displays it in the order.

Company code as Organizational unit


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