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Generate and import service numbers

The service number is a unique number for a service line in FUTURA Engineering. With the help of the number, the service can be clearly identified and regardless of its use within the system.

Apply service number from import file

When importing a master items list using GAEB or Excel, the transfer of the service numbers contained therein can be taken into account during the import. For this purpose, the corresponding option must be pre selected before the import.


Dialog box of the Excel import with service numbers 

Create a service number using a number generator

With the help of a number generator, the service number for all service lines of an items list can be generated according to a defined scheme. Each items list can have a different scheme, so the numbering can differ from master items list to master items list.


To assign the service number for an items list, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the desired Items list folder (red) and right-click → Properties.

  2. Switch to the Schema service Number tab

  3. The following window opens:

Generate service number

Here you can define the scheme for the numbering. First, determine how many subkeys the service number should have (à Number of partial key field). up to three subkeys can be used. Determine the length of the partial key and enter the key value in the corresponding field.

The partial keys are the same for all service lines of the items list, which are numbered according to the specified scheme. Only the last section (service) is variable and is counted up according to the step size. According to the example in the figure, the following numbers result:




And so on.

On the right, the total length and an example of the reference no. number are displayed.

By clicking on the button “Create service number”, the service lines of the items list are numbered according to the set scheme.

If the option "Overwrite existing service no.", service lines with an existing service number are also renumbered.


Exception SAP integration:

If the service line has already been transferred to SAP and created there as a service master, a change of the number is no longer possible!


No number will be assigned in the following cases:

  1. Service line is hint line

  2. The service line already has a number and has been transferred to SAP.

  3. The service line already has a number and the option "existing service no. overwritten" is not checked.

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