Separation of technical and commercial quotation data ("multi-envelope")
The option "Separation of technical and commercial quotation data" (The "Multi-Envelope" process) can only be used in Requests of the type "Price Request" and "Cost Estimate".
By activating this option on the header data, you can carry out a technical check and evaluation of the quotation data before opening the quotation prices. At the time of the technical verification, you only have access to supplier texts and technical attachments to the quotation. Finally, a technical evaluation of a quotation can be made by entering a bonus (+) or malus (-). This is followed by the opening of the quotation and the evaluation of the commercial quotation data in the price comparison list. Only users with the right "Tab quotations (technical data) visible" for inquiries, see the tab "Quotations (technical data)" and can carry out a technical evaluation.
In the header data of the Request, you can tick this option:

Set option „Multi-Envelope“