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Header data tab of an order

The "Header Data" tab is divided into several sections:


Display of the most important header data for the order:



order number

order number from SAP or


Name of the order

Short description:

Short description of the order (from the requisition)

requisition type

Additional fields from requisition

Reason for the measure

Additional fields from requisition

Cumulated quantity entry

Option specified by the purchaser. If the option is checked, the entire service entry transaction (including previous service entries) for each service entry must contain previous quantities.


project to which the order is linked


requisition from which the order was created


request from which the order was created


Display of order status new, in progress or completed

Origin of order

Display of order origin: SAP, FUTURA AVA or FUTURA Engineering

order Date

order Date (SAP order Date)

Created by

User who created the order.

Created on

Date, time

Expected value (total)

 no display when ordering planned servicesà

when ordering unplanned services, sum of the expected values of the order items. If the order has only one order item, the expected value of this order item is displayed

order value (net)

 Display of the order amount when ordering planned services

 no notification when ordering unplanned services


Sum of the billed service entry for this order so far

Material group

Description of the material group


Indication of the terms of payment set for the order


You can use the button “Specify tolerance” to set up a general tolerance for the order, which has an effect on the release of the service purchases. Regardless of the system in which (SAP, FUTURA Engineering, etc.) the order has been created. The tolerance can prreference no. in relation to the order value or as a maximum amount. The tolerance only affects planned service lines.

Button and dialog window to specify a tolerance

SAP data:

Display of additional SAP data for ordering.


Display of the contact details of your company. You maintain the contact data in the menu "Administration / Company Data". These are automatically copied into the order when the order is received. In the approver field , the approver is displayed, who is informed by e-mail about new service entries of the supplier.

Change of approver:

To change the approver of an order, click the button next to the approver field. Select a new approver from the list.

If the approver changes in the order, the newly elected approver will be informed by e-mail. The notification is only made in the event of a change, not when the approver is first selected. A notification is made both in the event of a change in the 1st approver and in the event of a change in the 2nd approver if you use the "2-step release" function.


You can only make the change if you have the appropriate authorization.


Display of the supplier's contact details. The supplier is responsible for maintaining the contact data. The data is automatically copied into the order when the order is received.

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