Technical quotation opening
The technical evaluation of the quotation is carried out by maintaining a "bonus/malus" value. If a quotation stands out, e.g., by particularly high quality or a special scope of services, it is possible to note a "bonus (+)" before the commercial evaluation and the quotation prices for this supplier are opened. Conversely, a "Malus(-)" can be assigned to a supplier with a lower technical quotation. This can be entered as an absolute amount or in percent. Further reasons for the use of bonus/malus values may be, after checking the technical quotation files, any calculated additional costs associated with this quotation.
The sign "-" (minus) represents a malus value. The total price of the quotation increases by this value.
Values signed "+" (plus) or unsigned, represent a bonus value. The total price of the quotation is reduced by this value.
Bonus/malus values in the price comparison list only represent a comparison of the costs when evaluating the quotation prices. The resulting reduced or increased total prices cannot be stored as negotiated sums. As a result, these values cannot trigger orders.
By clicking on the button "Open quotations", the bonus/malus values are calculated, and the tab "Quotations" is displayed. Your role must also have the appropriate authorization for this tab.

Add Bonus/Malus
In the current version of the request, you can no longer edit the bonus/malus values after opening the quotations. The bonus/malus values cannot be changed later in the price comparison list.

View Bonus/Malus after opening of the quotation