Add / remove suppliers
Add supplier(s) to the request
Open the request and switch to the "suppliers/Status" tab.
Click on the button "Add supplier".

Add supplier
3. In the following window, search for the desired suppliers. In the overview, suppliers from your address book are displayed in advance. You can enter a search term in the top selection field and confirm it with the Enter key.
4. Select the desired supplier(s) by selecting them with the check mark. You can also select an entire list. For example, if you display a group of bidders by means of a filter criterion (e.g., material group or supplier number).

5. Click Apply supplier. The supplier is then included in the request.

6. Back in the tab "suppliers/Status", select the
contact person of the supplier. The contact person will be informed by e-mail about the new request.
You can use the "Create new supplier" button to create a new record for a supplier company directly in your request if it has not yet been created in your organizational unit. Leran more about it here LINK ZU CREATE NEW supplier
In the meantime, mail domains with umlauts (mutated vowels, such as ä, ö, ü) or special characters are permitted. Email addresses with umlauts, both in the local part (before the "@") and in the part of the email domain, are supported by FUTURA Engineering . However, since not all mail servers support them, it may be that mails cannot be delivered. Therefore, recommend companies that give you an e-mail address with umlauts or special characters in the domain, better one without using it.
If no SAP supplier no. is inserted, it is treated as a CpD supplier (SAP wording: “one-time customer”) when the purchasing transaction are transferred to SAP!
Remove supplier(s) from the request
To remove a supplier from the request, select it in the list and click on the “X” button. You can also select more entries at once by using the ctrl or shift button. The suppliers are then removed from the list.

Remove supplier from the request