Create new supplier in the request
You can use the "Create new supplier" button to create a new data record for a supplier company directly in your request if it has not yet been created in your organizational unit.
Mandatory fields are:
Name 1 (name or company name of the supplier)
SAP supplier No. (only if you are working with SAP integration and the vendor number already exists the SAP system
Name (under "Contact details")
E-mail (under "Contact details")
In the meantime, mail domains with umlauts or special characters are permitted. E-mail addresses with umlauts, both in the local part (before the "@") and in the part of the e-mail domain, are supported by FUTURA Engineering. However, since these do not support all mail servers, it may not be possible to deliver mails. Therefore, it is better to recommend companies that give you an e-mail address with an umlaut or special characters in the domain to use one without.

Creation of a new supplier
If no SAP supplier number is assigned for a supplier. , he is treated as a CpD supplier when the purchasing documents are transferred to SAP!