Service entries to verify as approver
With FUTURA Engineering , the supplier can record the service entries provided for an order and transmit them electronically to the customer. If reference has been made to a framework Contract in the order, the supplier can call it up and extract items to be settled from it.
The purchaser in the role of approver, in turn, can check and approve or reject the services.
To open a service entry, either select the order first and switch to the service entry tab or open the entry via one of the entry lists. All entries to be checked can be found under "Entries in check":

Entries under verification
Select the corresponding capture by double-clicking or the button, the capture will be loaded and displayed.
Applied rules in the service entry process:
In Orders with cumulative quantity entry
The quantities from previous service entries must be added to follow-up service entries.
Any number of service entries can be created and transmitted to the approver.
The creation of free text lines is not possible for orders without budget limits.
The service entries must be transmitted in order. Recorded quantities of a service entry are based on previous service entries.
Only service entries that are in the status "in progress" or "rejected" can be edited.
If a service entry is in the status "Verification", it is currently on approver’s side. In the meantime, additional service entries can be created, but they cannot be sent to the approver, until the most recent service entry has been released.
A service entry can only be submitted to the approver when all previous service entries have been released or no service entries in a lower sequence order are in the status "In process" or "Rejected" (indication of the sequence order → column "consecutive no.").
The approver can only release a final service entry, when all previous service entries have been released or when there are no service entries in the status "in process" or "rejected".
After a successful release of a final service entry by the approver, no further service entries can be generated. The order will then change to the status "Completed".
The release of a final service entry with corrected quantities by the approver (reduction or increase) automatically leads to the generation of a service entry with the status "Rejected". In this service entry, the corrected quantities are displayed for the supplier in order to be able to clarify them. The order does not change to the status "Completed".
In Purchase Orders with uncumulative quantity entry (cumulative quantity input)
For each newly created service entry, the quantities must be re-entered anew.
Any number of service entries can be created and transmitted to the approver.
The creation of free text lines is not possible for orders without limit budgets.
The service entries can be transmitted in any order.
Only service entries that are in the status "in progress" or "rejected" can be edited.
In principle, new service entries can always be created, even if service entries have the status "verification" and thus are currently on approver’s side.
The approver can only release a final service entry, when all previous service entries have been released or when there are no service entries in the status "in process" or "rejected".
After a successful release of a final service entry by the approver, no further service entries can be generated. The order will then change to the status "Completed".
The release of a final service entry with corrected quantities by the approver (reduction or increase) automatically leads to the generation of a service entry with the status "Rejected". In this service entry, the corrected quantities are displayed for the supplier in order to be able to clarify them. The order does not change to the status "Completed".
Cumulated quantity entry option:
If the order has its origin in the FUTURA Engineering, the option "cumulative quantity entry" can be used. This option is already set in the FUTURA Engineering ordering system and has the consequence that the supplier must record his measurements cumulatively. This means that he must add newly provided services to the previously billed, already released quantities. In the "General" section under the "Header Data" tab, you can see whether the "Cumulative quantity entry" option is set.

Cumulated quantity entry option
The option also affects the processing of service entries. The following additional framework conditions apply:
Only one entry can be transmitted to the approver at a time. The transmission of a new entry is only possible when the previous entry has been released. Otherwise, the button "Send to the approver" is blocked.
The sequence of entries (order no.) must be observed during transmission.
You can find out more about this topic on the following pages: